Saturday, March 2, 2013

Juggle Cubing?

Lets start off this journey into unmasking the world's hottest new sport by mentioning that the inventors are Stanford math students...uh oh... In an amazing new video Ravi Fernando juggles a Rubik's Cube and two hacky sacks, while simultaneously solving the puzzle.  This sport isn't for the faint of heart however, as Fernando has regularly competed in official Rubik's Cube events.  He has even been dubbed as "Sir Ravi the Juggler" by members of his Stanford club, "Humans of Stanford."

In Honor of Old Stuff Day Let Us Reminisce About the Coolest Old Sports Stuff From Our Youth

Happy March 2nd everyone!! Today is Old Stuff Day, which happens to be the 2nd best day in March, right behind Poultry Day....Mmmm Chicken.  In honor of this momentous occasion Last Angry Fan has provided you with a countdown of the ten greatest “old-stuff” in sports from our youth.

10. Tom Emanski Instruction Videos- No one has ever watched one of these videos, but we all saw the commercials enough times to hit like Fred McGriff himself.

9. Big League Chew- Whoever either didn’t play some form of youth baseball or eat Big League Chew can immediately stop reading this article.

8. Nerf Footballs- Nerf has to be one of the greatest inventions of all time.  It allowed non-athletic kids to feel like they were a budding football superstar, especially when the Vortex was created. This engineering feat allowed even the most athletically challenged kids to throw a Brett Favre 80 mph fastball at their friends.